Reviews where an interim order is in place

Reference: REV-3g

Last Updated 12/10/2018

If we receive new information which has led to a new referral and an interim order has been put in place, we’ll tell the substantive order review panel about the interim order.

Putting all appropriate information before substantive order review panels ensures that the public, and the wider public interest, are protected.

Where the new matters are not admitted, the panel will have to be careful in how it considers those matters in the review.

Difficulties may arise where the interim order is more restrictive than the substantive order being reviewed.

A panel will still undertake a full review of the substantive order and the nurse, midwife or nursing associate’s current fitness to practise, so that the public, and the wider public interest, are protected. In such cases the panel should not change a substantive order just to mirror the interim order.

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