A safe and effective learning experience

Reference: SE2-B

Last Updated 22/03/2019

All learning experiences should preserve the safety of people within them, including anyone receiving care, and students.

Learning experiences should enable students to meet their learning outcomes, achieve competence and work towards becoming independent, reflective and professional practitioners within their chosen field or area of practice.

The AEI, with its practice learning partners, is responsible for ensuring that students are provided with a range of learning opportunities and placements and that the ‘right’ learning is delivered across environments.

Organising learning opportunities

Students should be given access to the full range of learning opportunities, necessary for them to achieve their learning outcomes. This can include learning opportunities within less traditional settings such as a research environment or the prison service.

Learning can be organised in lots of different ways. For example, group or one to one supervised learning, providing direct care, simulated activity, or independent or self-directed learning.

Learning opportunities should be individualised to the student’s learning needs, their position within their programme, their learning outcomes, and any student needs including reasonable adjustments. More information can be found on this in the sections on practice supervision and learning environments and experiences.

Providing opportunities to empower students

Students should also be given the opportunity to direct their own learning where possible, guiding their learning and identifying what is needed. When students are given these opportunities, the AEI with its practice learning partners, must take into account various risks to ensure the safety of people. This includes the student’s level of skill and competence, the activity, and the environment in which it is taking place.

Feedback and handover are also important aspects of a learning experience. Students must be given opportunities to challenge and improve their own practice and behaviour.

Student also have a responsibility to take advantage of multiple learning opportunities within and across environments, in order to work towards becoming a safe and independent practitioner. They should be empowered to do so by the AEI and their practice learning partners.

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