Supernumerary and protected learning time
Students in practice or work-placed learning must be supported to learn and practise skills safely. In order to have the student at the centre of learning, we specify that students must have some form of supported or protected learning time.
For nurses, and midwives this means that students must be considered ‘supernumerary’, meaning that they are not counted as part of the staffing required for safe and effective care in that setting.
We do not require nursing associate students to be supernumerary while learning in practice, but the student must have ‘protected learning time’. The decision about how this is provided is for AEIs and their practice learning partners to make in line with the options set out in the programme standards for nursing associates.
More information on this can be found in the supporting information for nursing associates and protected learning time.
Email Page
- Last Updated: 01/03/2019
Want to download and print whole sections of SISSSA? Visit the downloads page.
- Introduction
- Practice supervision
- Practice assessment
Academic assessment
- Who are academic assessors and how are they prepared?
- Who identifies the academic assessors
- What do academic assessors do?
- Support for the academic assessor role
- Learning environments and experiences
- Student empowerment
- Practice environment case studies for nursing programmes