Designing and reviewing a safe and effective learning environment and experience

Reference: LE2

Last Updated 01/03/2019

The AEI, with their practice learning partners, is responsible for ensuring that learning experiences are delivered that meet our standards. It is up to the AEI, with its learning partners, to decide how this will happen. We do not specify how or in which environments learning can be carried out.

All learning experiences must comply with the standards we set out in the relevant standards documents for each course. This includes, amongst others, the following for all courses from the Standards framework for nursing and midwifery education:

Standards framework for nursing and midwifery education:

Standard 2.1: There are effective governance systems that ensure compliance with all legal, regulatory, professional and educational requirements, differentiating where appropriate between the devolved legislatures of the United Kingdom, with clear lines of responsibility and accountability for meeting those requirements and responding when standards are not met, in all learning environments.

We do not specify what governance systems must be in place, only that they must enable our standards to be met and public protection to be upheld.

In order to ensure a safe and effective learning environment or experience programmes should be designed, developed, delivered, evaluated and co-produced with service users and other stakeholders.

All learning experiences and environments must be designed and reviewed with the needs of students, the service, and public protection in mind. Learning experiences should not prioritise student achievement at the expense of public safety.

Find out more about designing and reviewing a safe and effective learning environment and experience in the following pages:

Relevant NMC standards for this section:

Standards framework for nursing and midwifery education: R1.11, R1.12, R1.13 (page 6), S2.1, S2.2, R2.1-2.7 (page 7), R2.12-R2.20 (page 8), R3.3, R3.5, R3.6, R3.8 (page 9), R3.14, R3.16-R3.18 (page 10), S4.1, R4.1-2, R4.7 (page 11), R5.5 (page 12)

Standards for student supervision and assessment: 1.1-11 (page 5)

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