Raising concerns
All people within a learning environment have a responsibility to raise concerns about any impacts to public safety that may arise. This can include any concerns about learning experiences, the culture of an environment or the care that has been provided.
For example, students may have witnessed poor care, or been asked to complete a task that was beyond their capability without proper support or training.
Students should be supported to raise concerns and provided with appropriate information on how to do so.
Students who do raise concerns should be protected from harassment or ill consequences as a consequence of raising concerns
Find out more about raising concerns and the duty of candour.
Email Page
- Last Updated: 22/03/2019
Want to download and print whole sections of SISSSA? Visit the downloads page.
- Introduction
- Practice supervision
- Practice assessment
Academic assessment
- Who are academic assessors and how are they prepared?
- Who identifies the academic assessors
- What do academic assessors do?
- Support for the academic assessor role
- Learning environments and experiences
- Student empowerment
- Practice environment case studies for nursing programmes