The relevant standards

Reference: AC2-A

Last Updated 06/02/2019

There are a number of standards that relate to who the academic assessor is and what they do. However, the following standards are of particular relevance in this section:

Standards framework for nursing and midwifery education

Approved education institutions, together with practice learning partners, must ensure that all students:

3.8 are assigned and have access to a nominated practice assessor in addition to a nominated academic assessor for each part of the programme in accordance with the NMC Standards for student supervision and assessment

Standards to support student supervision and assessment

Approved education institutions, together with practice learning partners, must ensure that:

9.7 academic assessors are not simultaneously the practice supervisor and practice assessor for the same student

When we state that the academic assessor is ‘not simultaneously the practice supervisor and practice assessor’ for a student, we mean that they cannot take all three roles on for the same student for the same period of time.  For example, if an academic assessor has been assigned to student for an academic year, they could not then be that student’s practice assessor for a placement or series of placements within the same academic year. This is particularly relevant for those employed in both the academic and practice environments, for example as a lecturer/practitioner.

There may be a number of academic assessors required for a programme depending on the size of the cohort for the programme. The decision on the number of academic assessors to have for a programme is for the AEI to make, ensuring that the programme meets our standards.

The AEI, with its practice learning partners, should be able to demonstrate that their decisions uphold public protection and enable students to meet their learning outcomes.

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