Support for those who deliver education

Reference: LE4

Last Updated 01/03/2019

Standards framework for nursing and midwifery education

Approved education institutions, together with practice learning partners, must ensure that all educators and assessors:

4.3 receive relevant induction, ongoing support and access to education and training which includes training in equality and diversity

4.4 have supported time and resources to enable them to fulfil their roles in addition to their other professional responsibilities

In order for a learning environment or experience to be considered safe and effective all those who play a part in education must be given the support to do so. What this means will vary from protected or supported time to carry out their duties, to having the correct training and preparation to carry out their roles, and having access to student documentation.

The AEI, with its practice learning partners, must make sure the correct support is in place, for all those who play a part in education.

Relevant NMC standards for this section:

Standards framework for nursing and midwifery education: R2.4 (page 7), 2.14 (page 8), R3.7 (page 9), R4.3, R4.4 (page 11)

Standards for student supervision and assessment: 1.6 (page 5)

Standards for pre-registration nursing programmes: 3.7 (page 10)

Standards for pre-registration nursing associate programmes: 3.5 (page 4)

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