Contributing to recommendations for progression

Reference: PS3-F

Last Updated 23/07/2018

Practice supervisors also contribute to recommendations for student progression. As is set out within the following standard:

Standards for student supervision and assessment:

Approved education institutions, together with practice learning partners must ensure that practice supervisors:

4.2 contribute to student assessments to inform decisions for progression

Recommendations for progression are made by the practice assessor and academic assessor working together. Further information will be provided on the practice and academic assessor roles, and how they make recommendations for assessment, in the coming months.

Contributing to student assessments can take different forms depending on the role of the practice supervisor in student learning, the stage of learning, student competence, and other considerations. It can include:

  • direct communication with practice and academic assessors to share their views on student achievement, underachievement or areas to continue to work on
  • inputting into student documentation with their views on student achievement.

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