Raising concerns

Reference: LE5

Last Updated 01/03/2019

All individuals involved in the delivery of a learning experience or within a learning environment have a responsibility to raise any concerns about that environment and student learning. For nurses, midwives and nursing associates, this should be done in line with our Raising concerns guidance.

All learning environments must have in place clear processes for raising concerns and should signpost students, and all relevant people, to these.

The AEI, with its practice learning partners, should also have the capability and processes for managing complaints and concerns that have been raised about student learning, and student learning environments.

Relevant NMC standards for this section:

Standards framework for nursing and midwifery education: R1.5- R1.9 (page 6), R2.1, R2.9, R2.10 (page 7), R3.18, R4.8 (page 11)

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