Written reflective accounts

Last Updated 26/05/2021


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You must have prepared five written reflective accounts in the three year period since your registration was last renewed or you joined the register.

Each reflective account must be recorded on the approved form and must refer to:

  • an instance of your CPD, and/or
  • a piece of practice-related feedback you have received, and/or
  • an event or experience in your own professional practice

and how they relate to the Code.

Meeting the requirement

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We want to encourage nurses, midwives and nursing associates to reflect on their practice, so they can identify any improvements or changes to their practice as a result of what they have learnt.

Each of your five reflections can be about an instance of CPD, feedback or an event or experience from your work as a nurse, midwife or nursing associate – you can even write a reflection about a combination of these.

It's important to think about the Code when you write your reflections, and consider the role of the Code in your practice and professional development.

If you’re a midwife, you may find it helpful to use our reflective aid when thinking about your reflective accounts.

Recording your written reflective accounts

You must use the reflective accounts form to record your written reflective accounts. 

These accounts don't need to be lengthy or academic-style pieces of writing. You can simply note down what you learnt, how it improved your practice, and how it relates to the Code.

You may choose to store the completed form either electronically or in paper format.

Be careful not to record any information which may identify another person. You may find the section on non-identifiable information in How to revalidate with the NMC useful.

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