Managing concerns: a resource for employers (all guides) - all guides 1 Guides
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- Last updated: 12/12/2024
Managing concerns
- Introduction
Deciding to make a referral
- Key considerations before making a possible referral
- Ensuring your decisions to refer are fair and unbiased
- Concerns you should refer to us
- Take equality, diversity and inclusion into account
- Promote a culture of openness and learning
- Considering evidence of insight and strengthened practice
- The three types of concerns you should raise with us
- How to make a referral
Referral Scenarios
- 1. Health condition – employer can manage the concerns locally while investigating
- 2. Verbal abuse of patient – employer can manage the concerns locally while investigating
- 3. Alleged theft of medication – employer can manage the concerns locally while investigating
- 4. Alleged unprofessional behaviour: concerns being suitably managed locally
- 5. Concerns about clinical competence – local investigation should conclude before referral
- 6. Concerns about clinical competence – referral should be made before conclusion of local investigation.
- 7. Concerns about putting patients at risk and falsification of records – immediate referral required
- 8. Concerns about physical abuse of patient – immediate referral required
- Conducting a local investigation
- Managing concerns
- Supporting your employees
- Appendix
- Managing concerns: a resource for employers (all guides) - all guides