When students apply to join our register, we need to make sure that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver safe, kind, and effective care. In order for them to gain those skills and knowledge, we have education programme standards that set out how nursing and midwifery programmes should be delivered to ensure that programmes leading to registration are fit for purpose.  

This supporting information will help Approved Education Institutions (AEIs) and practice learning partners use our standards for pre-registration nursing, midwifery and nursing associate programmes, so that their students can get the most out of their education and learn the skills they need to become safe, effective and kind professionals.  

Our supporting information sets out possible ways that our standards may be met, but they are not a series of expectations for what ‘must’ be done. They are merely a guide to help AEIs in providing programmes that will give students the right skills and knowledge to meet our standards of proficiency.  

Whilst we set the standards for nursing, midwifery and nursing associate education, as well as the Standards for supervision and assessment, responsibility for the day-to-day quality management of programmes lies with AEIs in partnership with practice learning partners. 

What are our education programme standards?  

Our education programme standards set out the specific requirements that apply to all pre-registration nursing, midwifery, and nursing associate education programmes. AEIs must comply with the standards to run any NMC-approved programme, and students must successfully complete an NMC-approved programme in order to meet our standards of proficiency for registered professionals and be able to join our register. 

How do our education programmes standards help students? 

Our education programme standards allow students to receive an education that will help them to gain the skills necessary to be kind, effective and safe professionals when they join our register. The skills and proficiencies that students are taught during their education will be used throughout their careers and will help them to provide care which can improve the health and wellbeing of so many people.  

Our standards also highlight the need for AEIs to adopt an inclusive approach to recruitment, selection, and progression. This is to ensure that admissions and all other academic processes are open, fair, and transparent for all students, regardless of their background.  

Our education programme standards webinars 

We hosted a series of webinars to help outline the changes we made to the education standards in 2023 following the departure of the UK from the EU. 

The updated Standards for pre-registration nursing programmes: what do the changes mean for you?

This webinar was designed to clearly outline and explain the changes made to nursing and nursing associate programme standards so that AEIs have the ability to make relevant updates to their programmes as outlined in our new standards. 

Please find the slide deck and recording of the webinar below: 

The updated Standards for pre-registration midwifery programmes: what do the changes mean for you?

This webinar was designed to clearly outline and explain the changes made to the midwifery programme standards so that AEIs have the ability to make relevant updates to their programmes as outlined in our new standards. 

Please find the slide deck and recording of the webinar below: 

The new standards for simulated learning: what do the changes mean for you?

This webinar was designed to clearly outline and explain the changes being made to simulated practice learning for nursing programmes only. 

Please find the slide deck and recording of the webinar below: 

How to use our education programme standards 

It’s important that the standards for pre-registration nursing, midwifery or nursing associate programmes are read alongside the other parts of our standards for education and training. 

Our standards for education and training includes the Standards framework for nursing and midwifery education, Standards for student supervision and assessment, and programme standards specific to each approved programme.  

Our standards for education and training are set out in three parts:  

Reading the standards together will give: 

  • Clarity on what students need to know and be able to do, by the time they register with us, and
  • Our expectations of what AEIs and their practice learning partners must do for delivering NMC-approved programmes for nurses, midwives and nursing associates.