Collecting information from a nurse, midwife or nursing associate
If you're a nurse, midwife or nursing associate and you've had a concern raised about you, we'll always ask you to send us a response to the concern raised about your practice.
The way we'll usually do this is by sending you a form at the start of our investigation. It focuses on the information we want to hear about so we can get a better understanding about what happened.
You don't have to respond to this request, but it helps us understand the concern and the background and may help us conclude our investigation in a shorter period of time.
You can send us a response to the concern, or provide any additional information you think is important for us to know about, at any time during our investigation.
Contact our Fitness to Practise Careline.
Collecting information from someone who’s raised a concern with us
If you raised a concern with us about a nurse, midwife or nursing associate, we may need to speak to you to get more information. We know that raising a concern with us can be difficult, and speaking about or recalling these events can be hard. But it's important that we understand exactly what happened.
The investigator assigned to the case will also contact you at least once every four months to let you know what's happening and if there are any updates.
Read more about how we can support you throughout the fitness to practise process
Collecting information from witnesses and other parties.
If the person raising the concern isn't an employer, we'll often contact the employer to find more information about what happened.
We know the sensitive nature of some of the information and documentation we might need to investigate a concern, so we’ll only request relevant information to help us protect the public.