Meeting and hearing outcomes

After a meeting or hearing, a panel will decide the outcome of the case. We call these outcomes sanctions. Possible sanctions include:

No sanction

This is where the complaint has already been dealt with. For example, the nurse, midwife or nursing associate might have made a clinical error and taken steps to strengthen their practice so there is no longer an issue which presents a risk to the public.

Caution order

A caution is like a warning. They're public and published on our register and can last between one and five years.

Conditions of practice order

If a nurse, midwife or nursing associate receives conditions of practice, they're still allowed to work, but there are restrictions to what they can do.

Types of restrictions that could be put in place include the nurse, midwife or nursing associate being supervised or going on specific training.

Conditions last between one to three years.

Suspension order

If a nurse, midwife or nursing associate receives a suspension, they can’t work during this period.

Suspensions can last anywhere between one and 12 months. After this time, a suspension can expire or be looked at again.

Striking-off order

If the panel decide to strike the nurse, midwife or nursing associate off the register, they're taken off the register and can't work as a registered professional.

If you're a nurse, midwife or nursing associate and have been struck off, you can apply to re-join the register after five years.

Read more about restoration onto our register