
On 31 January 2022, we introduced the Test of Competence for nursing associates.

We held some webinars covering different aspects of the Test of Competence providing further information and outlining the changes we made to the CBT and OSCE. You can download slides from each of the webinars here.

Candidate information booklets

These booklets give an overview of the CBT and OSCE, what nursing associates candidates should expect on the day and how they can prepare.

Test specification

Test specification shows how the test is designed, what it will assess and how, and how results will be produced and presented.

Test blueprint

This blueprint shows how the relevant standards of proficiency and associated skills and procedures may be tested in either the CBT, OSCE or both parts.

Other support materials


You can find CBT practice tests on Pearson VUE's website. They are accessible to all and do not need to be booked.

Taking these practice tests will help you check your understanding and readiness for the new CBT and learn more about the question format, style and level of difficulty.


The following documents will support your preparation for the OSCE. We highly recommend you take the time to read these.

We have provided links to a number of documents that will support you in preparing for the OSCE.

As part of your learning and preparation, you should refer to the reading lists, understand and apply the NMC Code to all aspects of your practice, and access our useful documents as mock OSCE materials and station timings. By the time you sit the OSCE, you should be competent at practising at the level of a newly qualified nurse or midwife in the UK and your approach to the stations should reflect the actions you would take in a contemporary UK clinical setting.

We have also provided marking criteria for the relevant fields.  Please note that this should only be used to supplement your education and learning.

If you have any questions about any of these documents, please contact the NMC Test of Competence team at toc@nmc-uk.org.

Key documents for OSCE preparation covering all fields of nursing and midwifery 

Nursing Associates