NMC welcomes Paul Rees MBE as Interim Chief Executive and Registrar

Published on 20 January 2025

Paul Rees MBE has today (20 January 2025) started his 12-month tenure as NMC Interim Chief Executive and Registrar.

Paul gets under way at a pivotal and challenging time for the organisation. He will lead us on our journey towards positive change, as we work to establish faster, fairer and more effective regulation that upholds good nursing and midwifery care across the UK.

As our Interim Chief Executive and Registrar, Paul will help us to establish a working environment where NMC colleagues can thrive. We will also maintain our focus on the NMC’s core role in education and standards - the foundation of safe and effective nursing and midwifery practice.

Together, we’ll ensure the NMC continues to support the 841,367 nurses, midwives, and nursing associates on our register to uphold high standards for the benefit of the people they care for. 

Immediate actions

Over the coming weeks, Paul will closely engage with NMC colleagues and partners to understand how we can build a transformation plan which reflects the organisation's current challenges and opportunities.

By the end of March, Paul will present a clear vision and plan that will help our organisation achieve the change we all want to see.

Paul Rees MBE, Interim Chief Executive and Registrar at the NMC, said:

“I know I’m joining the organisation at a challenging time in its history. The public need us to operate at the top of our game, so we can ensure good, safe nursing and midwifery care for everyone. Our processes need to be faster, fairer and more effective for professionals, and our colleagues need to work in an environment that is respectful and psychologically safe.

“Given the challenges we face, I want us to change at pace. I look forward to helping transform the NMC into an organisation that leads with fairness, inclusion, and excellence.”

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