Consultation on education completion time limits

This consultation has now closed

The proposed change was the removal of the current mandatory maximum time limits allowed for the completion of pre- and post-registration programmes, to allow for unforeseen interruptions. Instead, we proposed, approved education institutions should decide the length of their courses and make reasonable adjustments to this in individual cases where students may have specific needs.

Our consultation document explains how this new approach would ensure equality and fairness while not having an impact on public protection.

It is also available in the Welsh language:

Consultation document 

This consultation ran from midday on 15 January 2015 until midday on 12 March 2015.

We analsed your responses and presented our findings to our Council with a recommendation for how to proceed.

The Council agreed to remove the mandatory maximum time limits for completion of education programmes.

We have updated our standards to remove the time limits for completion of approved education programmes.

We have told approved education institutions about the planned changes and how they can be managed using their own governance and quality assurance processes.