About your results

The answers in this checklist are personalised for you, based on your individual answers.

You can download your checklist as a PDF. Your checklist won't be saved, so you willl need to use the tool again if you leave this page.

If your circumstances change, we recommend you get a new checklist.

Results are valid on 20/09/2024


Check your answers below, then read our page on providing qualification evidence for more detailed guidance.

Contact details for your regulator

We'll ask you for the name of the regulator in your country of training, so we can confirm your registration if you registered with them, or whether your qualification would allow you to register with them if you haven't registered with them.

Before you begin, you should contact the regulator in your country of training to:

  • let them know you are applying for registration with us
  • make sure you have completed any steps they need you to before they can respond to our request
Taking the Test of Competence

Depending on the qualification you have, we may also ask you to complete a Test of Competence as part of your application.

This is so we can be sure that you have the skills and knowledge to deliver the high standards of care expected from everyone on our register.

We’ll confirm if you need to take the Test of Competence after we evaluate your qualification.

Find out more about the Test of Competence.


Check your answers below, then read our page on providing health evidence for more detailed guidance.

Supporting declaration about your health from your medical practitioner or occupation health

We'll ask you to give us contact details for a registered medical practitioner who can make a supporting declaration about your health.

This could be your registered doctor or a member of the occupational health department.

Their declaration must be based on an assessment they’ve completed on you in the six months before submitting your application, so make sure you've seen them in this time.

Their declaration must be issued no longer than 3 months before the date they're submitting, otherwise we may ask you for a more recent version when we assess your application.


Check your answers below, then read our page on providing character evidence for more detailed guidance.

Police clearance certificates

We'll ask you to upload a police clearance certificate from any country you’ve lived in for 12 months or more (whether continuously or in total) in the last 10 years before your application, while aged 18 or over.

You'll need to make sure that your police clearance from the country you're living in at the time of your application has been issued no longer than 12 months before the date you're uploading, otherwise we may ask you for a more recent version when we assess your application.

For the countries you are no longer living in, you'll need to ensure that your police clearances were issued after you left each country. If any of them were issued before you left, we may ask you for a more recent version when we assess your application.

DBS certificate

We'll ask you to upload a standard level DBS certificate if you’ve lived in the UK for more than three months at the time of your application.

If you're living in the UK when submitting your application, your certificate must be issued no longer than 12 months before the date you’re uploading, otherwise we may ask you for a more recent version when we assess your application.

If you're not living in the UK when making your application, you'll need to make sure that your DBS was issued after you left the UK, otherwise we may ask you for a more recent version when we assess your application.

Other requirements

Assessment and registration fees

You'll need to pay an evaluation fee when you submit your eligibility and qualification application.

Then, when you're ready to submit your full application, we'll ask you to pay a registration fee.

Check our costs and fees page for more information.