We’ve updated our visual identity

Published on 18 July 2022

Our visual identity covers everything you see from the NMC – from our colours and typeface to our photography, animation style and of course our logo.

Over the coming days and weeks you’ll start to see some changes to our visual identity which will help to improve the way we communicate with you.

Why have we decided to update this now?

Firstly, we had some accessibility issues. We’re an inclusive organisation and want people to understand and engage with our communications, and to see themselves represented in our work. We weren’t doing that as well as we could, so we’ve made some improvements.

Secondly, we listened carefully to what the professionals on our register and the public told us. We heard that we could be seen as cold, distant and a bit intimidating. Something that would prevent people engaging with us on important issues.

Finally, things were starting to look dated and disjointed. These new visuals will last us years to come, and will help to ensure that that we’re communicating in a clear and consistent way.

We’ve taken a very measured and proportionate approach. We worked with a specialist agency, and we tested out initial ideas with the public and professionals. 

What exactly is changing?

You’ll have seen some subtle updates to our website. We’ve also updated the Code and our newsletters. Importantly, none of the content has changed – we’ve just given it all a more accessible, consistent and compelling design. More things will gradually change over the coming months and years, as we refresh them as part of their natural life cycle.

It’s also worth remembering that this is one part of our work to improve the way we communicate. We’re making sure the way we speak and write is also as clear and jargon free as possible. And we’re taking time to understand how different groups prefer to be communicated with.

Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Executive and Registrar at the NMC said:

“Our NMC strategy sets out our ambitions to become a more visible regulator, and to engage and empower the public, our professionals and partners. We need to be as clear and consistent as possible in all our interactions with people. This is fundamental to delivering our core regulatory work effectively, providing appropriate support and using our insight to influence.

“That’s why we’ve improved our whole visual identity. Before, it was inaccessible, tired and disjointed. Now, it’s accessible, compelling and consistent, and set to serve us well for many years ahead.”


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