Updated: Statement on Canterbury Christ Church University’s midwifery programme

Published on 02 March 2023

We’ve written to the University about concerns we have with its midwifery programme.

18.04.23 Update:

We’ve received Canterbury Christ Church University’s response to our initial decision. We've considered this carefully and there are some points we're asking the university to clarify. We've given the university extra time to provide these clarifications, meaning we’ll now share a final decision as soon as possible in May. We know this extends the period of uncertainty for students and we’re sorry about that, however it’s important we understand the full detail of the university’s response.

Dr Alexander Rhys, Assistant Director of Professional Practice at the NMC, said:

“We’ve written to Canterbury Christ Church University about concerns we have with its midwifery programme. We’ve given the university until the end of March to reassure us about the safety and quality of its course.

“We’ll then make a final decision about whether the course can continue or will have to close. We’ll make this decision in the best interests of women, babies and families.

“We’re sorry for the uncertainty this will create for students, as we know it will be distressing for them. However, our core role and primary concern is to protect the public and uphold high professional standards. We haven’t made a final decision, and we’re working closely with the university and Health Education England (HEE) on plans to support students to continue their education, whatever the final outcome.”

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