NMC launches consultation on education programme standards

Published on 13 July 2022

This consultation will give everyone the opportunity to have their say on proposed changes to our education programme standards. The consultation will run for 10 weeks from today (13 July 2022).

Now that the UK has left the EU, we have the flexibility to change some of the requirements within our education programme standards for nursing and midwifery courses that were previously set by the EU. In doing this, we want to ensure education programmes continue to support students to develop the knowledge and skills they need to provide safe, kind and effective care.

Last year, we carried out independent research to find out what the public, professionals, and our stakeholders thought of the current standards. Our survey received over 6,200 responses. Using this feedback, as well as the best current international evidence, we’ve proposed some changes to our education programme standards. We’re now seeking wider views from people and organisations on these changes.

What we’re consulting on

Our proposals include increasing flexibility around simulated learning for nurses, and giving education providers more independence to allow them to set more inclusive entry requirements to nursing and midwifery programmes.

We’re also consulting on whether to remove EU requirements for students to undertake placements in specific settings, and remove any knowledge and skills requirements that were previously included in the educational programme standards, where these are now already included in our standards of proficiency.

The consultation also seeks views on including an additional requirement in our midwifery programme standards, to ensure students gain experience of different maternity providers during their pre-registration programme.

Have your say

Everyone can share their views by responding to our online consultation, which will only take about 20 minutes. The consultation is open until midday on 21 September 2022.

Geraldine Walters CBE, Executive Director of Professional Practice at the NMC, said:

“It’s essential that our education programmes are organised and managed in a way which allows nursing and midwifery students to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to deliver safe, kind and effective care.

“We believe our proposed changes will allow educators the flexibility to organise and deliver courses at the cutting edge of nursing and midwifery education.

“Thank you to all those who have already shared their views as part of our initial research. Everyone can now have their say by taking part in our consultation, and we’ll use this feedback to refine our proposals before we finalise them in early 2023.”

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