NMC approves first ever further education college for nursing associate training

Published on 01 April 2021

Find out more about the approval

We are proud to confirm that South Devon College has been approved to provide the nursing associate programme. It means the college is the first further education (FE) institution in England to be directly approved to help aspiring professionals achieve the qualification.

The nursing associate role was formalised in 2019 to help to bridge the gap between health care assistants and registered nurses in England only, as well as offering new career development opportunities to thousands of future nursing associates.

Since the creation of the role, our approved education institutions (AEIs) have trained 4,100 nursing associates in England. To support the growth in popularity we've seen a number of FE colleges partner with universities to deliver the nursing associate programme, where the university provides the award. But this is the first time the NMC has approved a FE college to run this type of course in its own right.

Dr Alexander Rhys, Assistant Director of Professional Practice, said:

"This is a fantastic step for both South Devon College and the NMC in helping aspiring professionals achieve the nursing associate qualification in the most safe and effective way possible. I hope they will be the first of many colleges seeking direct approval to run a nursing associate programme.

"We look forward to working with the College and to welcome their future cohorts of students to register with us."

Maria Woodger, Assistant Principal at South Devon College, said:

"This fantastic achievement recognises the two-year journey we have taken as an organisation to gain Approved Education Institution (AEI) status with the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

"This concluded with an intense 2-day final assessment visit, which included a review team speaking with employers and placement partners, as well as current and alumni students. It was a rigorous process, and it means so much to the College, our students and the wider healthcare community."

Claire Langman, Head of Health Professions and Nursing at South Devon College, said:

"I hope that South Devon College's success in accomplishing its Approved Education Institution status with the NMC will inspire other further education colleges to pursue approval in their own right."


Further background

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