Let’s all keep doing our bit to stop the spread

Published on 19 July 2021

As restrictions ease, our Chief Executive and Registrar, Andrea Sutcliffe, calls on everybody to consider their personal choices carefully and play their part in protecting vulnerable people.

The coronavirus pandemic has reminded everyone how important our skilled nurses, midwives and nursing associates are. They’ve made outstanding contributions to the national response to the pandemic, giving safe, effective and kind care to people across health and social care.

We know many professionals on our register will be concerned about what could happen now that many restrictions are easing, or being removed altogether. They’ll be worried about potential surges in cases, and whether this could lead to further pressure on hospital and community services and increases in sickness levels and deaths.

That’s why we’re calling on everybody touched by nursing and midwifery – which means all of us – to consider their own personal choices carefully. Many of the measures we’ve had to get used to since March 2020 are no longer legally enforced. But the pandemic isn’t over, and we should all continue to be cautious.

First, please remember that face coverings and social distancing are still in place across many health and care settings. The guidance varies across the four countries of the UK, so we should all keep following any national and local measures. We all have a part to play in protecting the people who are most vulnerable to the ongoing spread of Covid-19.

We’re also asking employers across health and social care to keep doing everything possible to support their fantastic colleagues do their jobs safely. Nurses, midwives and nursing associates always deserve safe workplaces, including the right personal protective equipment.

Nursing and midwifery professionals continue to be at the heart of the pandemic response, not only caring for people with the virus but also vaccinating millions of people in all corners of the UK. I hope everyone reading this will be among those of us who’ve had their vaccinations. But if you still haven’t had your first dose, please consider booking it as soon as possible. And if you’re contacted to bring your second one forward, please don’t delay.

Let’s never forget the extraordinary things that nurses, midwives and nursing associates have done during this pandemic.

One of the best ways we can all thank them is by continuing to be cautious and doing our bit to stop the virus spreading – not because we have to, but because we choose to, because it’s the right thing to do for everyone.

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