NMC celebrates International Day of the Midwife 2024

Published on 05 May 2024

Today we celebrate all midwives and midwifery students who strive to create safe, empowering pregnancies and births for women, babies and families across the UK.

Tracey MacCormack, NMC Assistant Director for Midwifery, said: 

“Midwives are there at some of the most joyous and, occasionally, difficult times in people’s lives. They play a unique role in an extremely challenging environment – now more than ever, amid well-publicised pressures which can get in the way of their ability to provide the best care possible for every woman, baby and family. 

“At this time of rising demand for care, we hope our midwifery standards will keep guiding midwives to listen to women and deliver the best, most person-centred care possible during pregnancy, birth and postnatally. 

“On behalf of the NMC, I want to thank midwives and midwifery students everywhere for the crucial work they do, and the enormous difference that good midwifery practice can make to people’s lives. Thank you also to all those who paved the way before you, inspiring the midwives of today and tomorrow.” 

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