Celebrating International Day of the Midwife 2023

Published on 05 May 2023

Today we celebrate and reflect on the vital care midwifery professionals deliver to mothers, babies and families across the UK.

This year’s theme, Together again: from evidence to reality, recognises how midwives and midwifery students practise in line with best available evidence – putting the latest knowledge and skills into practice to deliver the safe, effective and kind midwifery care people have the right to expect.

Andrea Sutcliffe, NMC Chief Executive and Registrar, said:

“Today we’re reflecting on everything midwifery professionals do to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of women, babies and families across the UK. The role of a midwife is truly inspirational, offering vital support during the most wonderful, and sometimes testing, moments in people’s lives. Their compassion, dedication, and commitment make such a difference to so many people, and on behalf of the NMC, I’d like to say thank you.

“It’s essential that midwifery practice and education keep pace with the constantly evolving health and social care landscape. That’s why our standards of proficiency are based on best available evidence, setting out the skills and knowledge midwives need, and supporting them as they work in partnership with the women and families in their care.

“Every woman and baby has the right to high-quality midwifery care that reflects their individual needs, views and preferences. Today is an opportunity to celebrate the professionals and students who strive to do this everyday. Because safe, effective and kind midwifery care should be a reality for all women, babies and families, everywhere.”

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