As part of our review of advanced practice, we commissioned the Florence Nightingale Foundation (FNF) to undertake an independent piece of research to explore the potential implications of additional regulation on internationally educated nurses and midwives working in the UK. This work includes a rapid evidence review, a targeted survey and focus groups. You can read the report from FNFs rapid evidence check here. 

If you are trained as a nurse or midwife outside of the UK and are now practising in the UK, please take part in the survey to let us know about your views and experiences. The survey should take no longer than 15 – 25 minutes. If you do take part, FNF are offering the chance for respondents to win a place on their internationally educated nurses and midwives leadership programme and you will be helping to inform and shape next steps in our advanced practice review.

Complete the survey

Any proposed approaches must be in the best interests of people receiving care from advanced nursing and midwifery practitioners. It’s crucial that we work collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders from across the UK, and throughout health and social care. This will ensure any proposals we put to our Council lead to better care for everyone, everywhere.

As we continue our review, we want to work with the people affected by these changes, including people receiving care, professionals working at advanced practice levels, their employers and leaders of our professions.

Your views will make a big difference to this important work. If you’d like to be kept up to date with our progress and be notified of any opportunities to get involved, including when we consult on any changes, please sign up here.

Previous webinars

In this webinar you can find out more about our decisions so far and our next steps. Held on Monday 15 April 2024.

To explain more about the review we held a webinar on 7 November 2023.

Webinar slides