Support for the assessor role

Reference: PA4

Last Updated 19/12/2018

Assessors must be given the ongoing support and time necessary for them to develop and perform their role, and to train as needed. This support can take a number of forms but must allow for our standards to be met and for assessors to prepare for and contribute to student assessment.

Where possible, it should be tailored to the assessor’s needs and requirements. It should include any reasonable adjustments or equality and diversity considerations that may need to be met.

Relevant NMC standards for this section

Standards for student supervision and assessment

6.7: students studying for an NMC approved post-registration qualification
are assigned to practice and academic assessors in accordance with
relevant programme standards

6.8: practice and academic assessors receive ongoing support to fulfil their

Standards framework for nursing and midwifery education

R4.3 receive relevant induction, ongoing support and access to education and training which includes training in equality and diversity

R4.4 have supported time and resources to enable them to fulfil their roles in addition to their other professional responsibilities

Standards for post-registration programmes

4.2: liaise, collaborate and agree the necessary approach to the preparation, education, training, ongoing learning, support and expertise necessary for practice supervisors, practice and academic assessors that support SCPHN and community nursing SPQ student learning and assessment*

*This links directly to Part 1: Standards framework for nursing and midwifery education and in particular requirement 4.7