Practice and academic learning

Last Updated 24/10/2023

What it means to be a practice assessor for single or multiple practice learning experiences

Practice assessors can be assigned to a student for a single practice learning experience, a series of practice learning experiences or other practice learning opportunities. This can mean that they will be assigned to a student for a single practice learning experience, more than one practice learning experience, or for the whole of the academic or practice year.

It is the responsibility of the AEI, with their practice learning partners, to decide for how long a practice assessor should be assigned to a student. In doing this, they may want to take into account the following:

  • Any standards that relate to the practice assessor role
  • The skills and availability of individual assessors
  • The student’s programme outcomes
  • The student’s learning needs
  • Programme structure and placement organization, for example how many placements there are, or the location and type of placements