NMC responds to report by the Professional Standards Authority

6 August 2015

Responding to today’s publication of the report by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) Rethinking regulation, NMC Chief Executive and Registrar Jackie Smith said: 

“We have been pressing both the previous and current governments for a bill that would modernise how we regulate the 683,000 nurses and midwives on our register. We welcome any contribution that furthers this debate. It is widely accepted that our current legal framework is clumsy and outdated and does not serve the professions we regulate, or the public well. 

“Our 2015-2020 strategy sets out our aim to be a dynamic regulator working as part of a wider system of regulation focusing more on prevention than responding to concerns. The public expect all regulators to deliver public protection efficiently, effectively and fairly. We have made significant improvements to how we do that, and the results are evident, but there is more to do. We can only do that with new legislation.”



Notes for editors

1.   The Nursing and Midwifery Council exists to protect the public. We do this by ensuring that only those who meet our requirements are allowed to practise as a nurse or midwife in the UK. We take action if concerns are raised about whether a nurse or midwife is fit to practise.

2.   For media enquiries, please contact Leila Harris-Ryberg, NMC media team at media@nmc-uk.org or on 020 7681 5884.