How to find us

Postal addresses, contact details, directions and opening hours for our hearing venues and offices

If you're a nurse, midwife, or nursing associate, or if you're in the process of applying to join our register, we're here to help. Don't hesitate to reach out to us by email or phone if you have any questions or concerns.

We will not have staff available in person to assist you, so getting in touch via email or phone will ensure the quickest response time.

23 Portland Place

Postal address, contact details, directions and opening hours for 23 Portland Place

1 Westfield Avenue

Postal address, contact details and opening hours for 1 Westfield Avenue

2 Stratford Place - hearings centre

Postal address, contact details and opening hours for 2 Stratford Place

10 George Street

Contact details, directions and opening hours for 10 George Street

Book to attend hearing as a group

See a virtual tour of our Stratford hearings centre